Fashion Bloggers Emerge

The CAM Blog was started to introduce some Design Merchandising and Textiles majors at Western Kentucky University to the world of blogging. As students, users, creators, promoters, and soon to be new professionals of fashion — expression is a part of our core existence. It is in our style, our words, our thoughts, our actions and reactions, our every breath and our future. Through blogging we are able to share our personal and professional opinions about fashion with others who are like-minded. Through our blogging, we can only hope something we share will touch and educate another that will keep this crazy world moving forward — toward being more fashion minded and informed.

Collegiate Correspondents will feature the Design Merchandising and Textile seniors commentary on  campus fashions ranging from sorority styles, campus accessories and necessities, ethnic styles, and lots of personal style.  You are invited to review any of the blogs listed in the WKU/DMT Fashion Bloggers list.   Who knows, you may become a follower!

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